Friday, October 10, 2008

October 9, 2008

Last night i went to the Uncle Fest tour in Cinci! It was amazing! first up was house of heroes. They were good. Then This Providence was on second and they were good too. Third was Ludo. They were interesting. good but interesting. then Relient K was on. They were amazing!! ahhh! omg they decorated the stage for Halloween and came out in "Halloween" outfits. it was funny! and they were all wearing some type of purple was was good since its my fave color. They played an extremely long set like longer than an hour. I was in the second row and there were no mosh pits at all!! after the show Megan and i bought some merch and then headed out back to see the guys. they were awesome and john and Matty remembered me. it was amazing! I told them both how disappointed i was that they didn't play the last the lost the least and Matt told me i should have requested it. but next time i see them i will. he seemed to like the idea of playing it and told me that i was the first one to request it ever so i felt special! but Megan and i got Jon, John and Matt to "throw what they know" and do the KD hand sign and Ethan did his LA thing while megan and i did our KD thing. It was overall a good night and I'm so glad we went! the only damage i found was my finger is very swollen and bruise...maybe broken??? not sure but it hurts and i may go to the health center. I got back to my room at 1:30 this morning. i woke up at 8 because the housekeepers decided to vacuum at 8 in the morning on the one day i really really needed to sleep in. but after i was up i couldn't fall back to sleep. so I've been up since 8 and i don't have class until 11:30. so now I'm going to check and see if my new phone is here and then go to class.

this weekend is homecoming and all the old alumni from KD are coming which is cool. I get to walk in the parade and then be at the house for an hour and chill with the alumni. should be fun.

off to class! bye!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

WOW! time flies...

When your sick!

I got sick Monday night and just started feeling better today. So my Monday went as follows, i was up till 1:30 am doing homework. I got in bed to go to sleep at this time and as i was trying to fall asleep it hit me that i felt like i was going to vomit. i finally feel asleep at 2:30. At 5:00 the fire alarm went off. Knowing that it wasn't a drill because they don't have drills at 5 in the morning, i got up, grabbed my valuables aka my computer and locked my room and went outside. It was so early the girls on my floor went right past the nearest door and out to the front door. whatever i was feeling like i was going to vomit in front of all the sleepy and annoyed people in the parking lot. So i sat down and proceeded to call my parents. I was talking with them and then i had to pee. so i was walking around to stop the pee but that made me even sicker. finally after almost 30 mins standing in the parking lot, they let us go back in. 3 firetrucks showed up, the fire chief, and 3 Witt cops. it was crazy. turns out the wiring was faulty hence the reason it went off. so then i go back to my room, get back in bed at 5:30 and proceed to lay there for another hour before i fell asleep. up i feel back asleep at 6:30. i got up at 8:30 for class. so i got a total of 5 hours of sleep and i was still sick on Tuesday. that was one long day of eating crackers and then feeling sick from crackers. then at 8:30, the building had a drill because they had already scheduled it. now my stomach feels better but my throat is starting to hurt and that's not good since in exactly one week is the Relient K concert in Cinci! I'm so excited! i can hardly wait! it's going to be the best one I've gone to since I'm going with one of my KD sisters and hopefully a couple other of my sisters! its going to be amazing!

I'm going home tomorrow. it should be fun because tomorrow night, there is going to be an event at the art museum in honor of Hispanic heritage month. then Saturday I'm trying to talk my mom into going to Vera Bradley outlet store for a big sale! then Saturday night we re going to the auction and sun afternoon we are going to Randy's goodbye party then Sunday night we're going to Crafts 2000 for a scrapbook night. should be fun and I'll be heading back to school on Monday morning since i don't have class until 1130!

But now i have to go and get ready to give a presentation on the effects of religion on parenting. should be interesting! Later!


Monday, September 29, 2008

GreekWeek Losers...

so Kappa Delta lost greek week. and i mean we lost everything! we didn't win one single thing! our partners, the delts, won one event, the Greek god. so we are a losing team! The betas did an amazing lip sync to the lion king! it was amazing! Michigan won their game saturday! I'm going home this weekend to see my cousin before he leaves for germany and then to iraq from germany. im excited to go home, but sad that hes leaving. vera bradley is having a sale at their outlet store in Indiana this weekend and we live like an hour away from it so i really want to go! i think i could get myself a nice bag there! hopefully i can go! Interseting fact about the vera bradley lady, shes a KD alum, like she was a KD in college so thats why we get special deals on vera bradleys! thats so cool! I found out yesterday that KD requires us to come back early from christmas break and im not happy about it. I dont think i'll be able to though because im such a picky eater and the CDR wont be open and my back problems are so bad i wont be able to sleep on the floor at the house. we'll see im going to have to talk to them about it. but now im going to go catch up on homework and rest my sprained ankle...which i think i sprained during flag football but it hurts really bad and i think im going to scream it hurts so bad when im walking around campus! but i'm icing it and stuff so it should heal soon, i hope! later!


Saturday, September 27, 2008

are you ready for some fooootball??

So last night was the flag foot ball game. it went really well, we really underestimated yourselves! we held our own and went into 3 over times. at the end of the last over time though was were it went downhill. the gamma phi caught the ball 2 feet from the end zone where her flag fell off and then ran into the end zones. the refs called the game because they scored, but they just wanted the game to be over since we went over by 15 minutes. it was a bullshit call and the ref was a delt who was supposed to be on our side. its cool cuz the gamma phis were like ya thats not legit. so we did win! after that we went and ate at stake and shake. after we ate a few of us, my bug, my aunt, and 2 other sisters watched a movie. it was good. i got home really late and then got up and went and watch some of my sisters play rugby! tonight is the lip sync contest and the Greek god/goddess it should be fun! anyho im going to go do more homework!


Thursday, September 25, 2008

My First Blog!

So this is my first blog! um no one will read this but hey i thought it would help me to remember what happened for scrapbooking purposes later on! haha lame i know! Well not much to report for today, Greek Week continues tomorrow and tomorrow is the flag football game. it should be interesting. i dont know why i signed up to play, but i did and well it will be fun at least! we're gonna whip some greek ass! haha but anywho im knda nervous for the game, since i dont know where the game is, it should be interesting! i skipped half apps tonight to watch the season premire of greys and i feel like that if i had gone to half apps i wuldnt have missed much! well i'm off the bed so i can shower before class tomorrow. yea right i'll sleep in and shower after class! haha alright night!
